Painless Weight Loss Protocol

A Weightloss Support Program

Our cutting-edge Weight Loss Protocol is a simple, fast, fun weight loss program that allows you to experience an auto-pilot program with fast, permanent results. It’s an easy-to-follow weight loss, detoxification, and healthy living program that is effective. In fact, we see people who are truly dedicated lose between half a pound to a full pound of fat per day! After asking hundreds of patients what they think the root cause of their weight gain may be, the most consistent response we have gotten is simply, that they have no idea. Other than eating too much, they just don’t know exactly what the problem is and they feel like they have tried but failed and honestly there is so much more to the process than just eating less. Most people that have a hard time losing weight have some type of underlying issue that is hindering them and it’s not their fault at all. So please if this sounds like you, stop blaming yourself. You just need some guidance and that is where we come in. 

The truth is, there are 8 root causes of weight gain; Candida, Toxicity, Thyroid, Hormones, Sleep, Stress, Brain-Baised Food Cravings, Food Management.

In order to have a successful weight loss journey and enjoy permanent results, you must first reprogram your mind and body to burn that fat for fuel instead of consuming and burning sugar all while addressing the eight root causes of your weight gain or the lack of the ability to lose it.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 

The Root Causes

Candida is a yeast and a fungus found in the gut lining of the body. A little is okay, but when there is an overgrowth it starts to cause some serious health issues. Candida feeds off sugar and thrives in cool environments in the body. Because of this, it causes sugar cravings and thyroid function begins to decrease. As candida starts to die off, it releases up to 80 different types of toxins in the body. This toxin can get absorbed in fatty tissue and as a protective mechanism, the body keeps the toxins in the fat so it does not release these toxins into the bloodstream. This is what occurs with stubborn fat. The kind of fat we’re talking about is the kind that won’t budge no matter how much you try to work out or work it off. So in order to start getting rid of fat in that area, we have to address the root cause.

The first thing that needs to be done is to get the candida under control. Blueprint nutrition has a specific liquid herbal formula which helps eliminate candida on quickly. Once you get it in your system, your sugar cravings will be less intense, less frequent, and you will begin to feel like yourself again. You decrease the candida, you decrease the toxins in fat which will ultimately decrease the hard to lose fat.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 

We know that the best way to detox is to stop eating toxins, remove them and consume a specific weight loss anti-inflammatory eating plan, that supports eating good fats, veggies, and the right carbs and protein at every meal. Protein is very important, especially for breakfast. It is the key to balancing blood sugar and insulin, cutting cravings, and providing your liver the raw materials to optimally detoxify. Our eating plan allows for real food up to 3 meals and 2 snacks daily, so starvation is of no concern on our plan.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 

The thyroid has a big job. The hormones it secretes help maintain a healthy heart rate, maintain healthy skin, and play a crucial role in your metabolism. When the gland is sluggish, it can rob you of your energy, dry out your skin, and make your joints ache. Those are all undesirable symptoms, but it can specifically cause dramatic weight gain with its lack of proper function. So in order to support the proper function of the thyroid, we must provide it with specific nutritional needs. In our program, we provide a unique blend of whole food minerals from sea vegetables that provide natural iodine as well as macro and trace minerals.

All of these ingredients work synergistically to give your thyroid exactly what it needs to have the ability to release the specific hormones that enable you to have a high metabolic rate.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 

When we mentioned hormones in this program we are not talking about progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. Although they do play a role in weight gain, ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin, insulin, and cortisol are hormones that truly are the missing link when it comes to achieving permanent weight loss. These hormones give us feedback on things like the feeling of fullness, appetite, energy balance, and fat storage. Blueprint Nutrition has a specific formula that combines 2 clinically studied extracts that support the metabolic hormones: adiponectin, leptin, and ghrelin, to help control appetite, satiety, and fat metabolism as part of a healthy weight management program. This formula is our flagship product in our weight loss system. The research and development that has gone behind this product are unparalleled.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 

Research suggests there is an association between sleep restriction and negative changes in metabolism. Lack of quality sleep appears to increase hunger and appetite particularly for calorie-dense foods high in carbohydrates. So to improve sleep one must consider two of the most overlooked causes of poor sleep patterns which are decreased Vitamin D and magnesium. Low levels of Vitamin D were linked to lower sleep efficiency scores.

This indicates why we use our transdermal cream for supplemental Vitamin D and magnesium to improve your sleep quality. We chose a cream so that you can receive the appropriate amount of Vitamin D and magnesium without it affecting your digestive tract. The cream will absorb into your body via the skin when you need it. We added lavender essential oil because targeted studies continue to prove lavender’s active properties for combating insomnia.

Emotional stress is one thing that produces increased cortisol which in turn increases unwanted belly fat, but another overlooked aspect of stress and weight gain is not just the emotional stress, it’s the oxidative stress as well. Oxidative stress leads to insulin resistance within adipose (fat) tissue as well as in peripheral tissues. Insulin resistance is one of the hallmarks of obesity and accounts for many of its comorbidities, including hypertension, high cholesterol, and arteriosclerosis. Accumulation of oxidative stress in adipose tissue is one of the early events in the development of metabolic syndrome in weight gain and obesity. To help combat this oxidative stress you must consume antioxidants. Blueprint Nutrition’s great-tasting powdered formula has a high ORAC value, providing powerful antioxidant protection, which will help you burn the adipose tissue that you are holding on to because of oxidative stress.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 

We have been raised to think that food cravings come from a simple desire to eat that specific food. But most of the time, it’s a signal from your body that there is a deficiency of some sort, a nutritional need, or an imbalance in your body and/or brain chemistry. The most important thing is to look at your diet and certain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and turn into neurotransmitters in our bodies. These neurotransmitters can stimulate your brain’s hormones that affect our mood, energy, sleep, libido, and ability to concentrate. Blueprint Nutrition provides a synergistic proprietary blend formula that features the adaptogenic herbs to help with stress, increase immunity, boost stamina and provide a special blend of the essential amino acids to support weight loss and other select ingredients to for optimal metabolic management when it comes to brain-based food cravings.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 

Planning your meals may seem a bit daunting at first, especially if you’re new to healthy ingredients or portion control, but with a little practice, you will see just how easy it can be to get your clean eating on track. Whether you want to lose pounds or just maintain a healthy weight, eating proper portions is as important as eating the right foods. Portion and serving sizes are often used interchangeably, but actually, there is a difference. A portion is the total amount of food that you eat in one sitting. A serving size is the recommended amount of one particular food. For example, the amount of chicken you eat for dinner is a portion of your dinner but 3 ounces of chicken is the serving. Keeping serving sizes in check helps with portion control which in turn helps with weight-loss.

Using our food management plan, you’ll use color-coded portion control spoons. The colors of the spoons correlate with the type of food. It is so much fun! The easy-to-use Blueprint Spoons eliminate the need for counting calories, points, or macros and take the guess-work out of portion control to achieve weight loss.

Call us today to schedule your first appointment for just $69 to go over if you would be a good candidate for successful weight loss utilizing the highly successful Painless Weightloss Protocol at 810-207-6716, call today! 


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