New Non-Surgical Medical Breakthrough for Knee Pain

Non-Surgical Reconstructive Care for Chronic Knee Pain

We Utilize Safe and Effective

Knee Pain Protocols that Treat Chronic Knee Pain.

Are you looking to put an end to your knee pain without surgery? Maybe you have already tried to educate yourself on at-home treatments, such as exercise and stretching. Maybe you have even tried knee braces, anti-inflammatory medications, injections, and maybe even SURGERY, but have not found a level of relief that allows you to live pain-free. Well, we have good news for you!

Painless Chiropractics 

Non-Surgical Reconstructive Care Knee Pain Protocol Works!


Your body’s two largest joints are found in the middle of your legs. Not only are your knees vital to walking, running, standing, and jumping, they are essential to just about every movement you perform over the course of the day. That is also why the knees are some of the most commonly injured joints in the entire body.

In this article below you will find out…
  • Anatomy of the Knee
  • What Causes Knee Pain?
  • What are the Symptoms of Arthritis in the Knee?
  • What Causes Arthritis in the Knee?
  • What Can Causes Sudden Knee Pain?
  • Knee Pain Diagnosis
  • Knee Pain Treatment
  • How do I Relieve Knee Pain at Home?
  • Knee Pain Exercises

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Painless Chiropractic

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Anatomy of the Knee

Every joint in your body consists of three elements – bones, ligaments that attach the bones to each other and tendons that attach the muscles of the body to the bone. Regardless of where the joint is located, from the smallest version in your pinkie toe to the large joints in your body like the hips and knees, they are all put together using the same fundamental mechanics. The differences come into play with the type of bone that is connecting to another bone. For instance, shoulder joints are known as ball and socket joints because the head of the humerus, your main arm bone, fits into the cup of your scapula or shoulder blade.

Since they are among the largest joints in the body, your knees are also very complex. In order to support your weight moving forward and backward, and somewhat side to side, the bones, ligaments, and tendons must be able to move together perfectly. Unlike your shoulders or hips, your knees are not ball and socket joints, where the head of one bone fits into the socket of another. Instead, they are compound, modified hinge joints where three leg bones come together. Your tibia (shinbone), femur (the thigh bone) and patella (kneecap) come together, attached by strong, stringy attachments called tendons and ligaments. Ligaments connect one bone to another while tendons connect muscles to bone. These connections make it possible for you to bend your knee, extend your leg and move your leg slightly from right to left or left to right.

Damage to one or more muscle, bone, tendon, or ligament, or to the soft tissues surrounding any of these structures can result in a pain that limits your mobility.

What Causes Knee Pain?

sharp knee painBecause of the knee joint’s complexity, it is prone to damage from a variety of sources.

  • Osteoarthritis – Also called degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis affects the cartilage in joints. It is also one of the most common chronic joint condition in the US. More about that later.
  • Injury – Sudden knee pain can generally be traced back to a single event, accident or injury. These injuries are especially common in athletes and significantly overweight people.
  • Overuse– Just like any joints in the body, knees are prone to overuse injuries. In fact, 42 percent of overuse injuries happen to the knee.
  • Disease– Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis can also cause joint pain, especially in weight bearing joints like the hips and knees.

What are the Symptoms of Arthritis in the Knee?

Arthritis is not actually a singular disease, but a classifications of diseases that affect the joints of the body. For instance, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the immune system begins attacking the tissues that form the joints of the body. Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is the deterioration of the cartilage in the joints.

Cartilage is a hard, tough covering that surrounds the ends of bones. Think of cartilage like brake pads on a car. Not only does it protect the bones that make up the joints from rubbing on each other, it also prevents tendons and ligaments from slipping out of place. When there is adequate amounts of cartilage, the structure of the knee is stable and can perform any function you would like it to. Once osteoarthritis sets in, the cartilage begins to deteriorate. Instead of allowing the bones in the knee to glide the way they should and keeping the knee structure sound, three things can happen. The bone can deteriorate causing painful bone spurs that catch the tendons and ligaments, bits and pieces of the cartilage tear away, and inflammation can set in around the knee. All three cause pain every time you walk, run or even stand up.

In fact, pain that cannot be traced to a certain injury, event or accident is the number one symptom of arthritis in the knee. However, this pain is often accompanied by a “grating” or “scraping” sensation. There may be mild swelling around the knee that is generally worse at the end of the day, There may even be a cracking or popping sound when the knee moves.

What Causes Arthritis in the Knee?

It is believed that osteoarthritis may have a genetic component, but it also happens in people with certain risk factors. People who are overweight are more likely to develop arthritis in the knee because they put more wear and tear on their joints. The pressure we put on our knees is not a pound for pound measurement. Instead, studies have shown that for every pound of weight a person loses, they reduce the pressure on their knee by four pounds. Lose ten pounds? Reduce the pressure on your knees by 40 pounds.

Likewise, osteoarthritis happens more regularly to people with chronic injury to their knees or who use their knees as a part of their work. Athletes and those with careers that require long periods of standing, lifting, squatting or running can wear away the cartilage in their knees more quickly. Even people who have had a previous surgery on the knee or previous knee injury that has healed are more prone to arthritis.

Schedule Your Appointment with Our Fenton Chiropractor 

Painless Chiropractic

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What Can Causes Sudden Knee Pain?

Sudden knee pain falls into two broad categories – knee pain after an injury or knee pain without an injury.
Anytime you experience sudden pain in your joint, it is important to rule out a serious medical condition. Some of the most common causes of knee pain without an injury include:

  • Bursitis – The knee has several small fluid-filled sacs that provide cushioning between the tendons and bones. When these sacs get irritated, inflamed or break, they result in a condition called bursitis. Bursitis makes the knee warm and red and can cause pain whenever the knee is moved.
  • Bleeding in the joint – This generally only happens when taking an anticoagulant. The knee becomes warm and swells with some bruising.
  • Gout – If your knee is hot, red and suddenly very painful, you could have gout. This form of inflammatory arthritis is the result of too much uric acid in the blood. The body begins to form crystalline structures that become suddenly very painful when they begin to affect the tendons, ligaments and bones in the body.
  • Tendonitis – Pain between your kneecap and your shin bone may be caused by tendonitis, or inflammation of the tendon in the knee. This is most often caused by running or jumping.

Sudden knee pain is more commonly associated with an injury or accident.


  • Patellar fracture or dislocation – The patella, also known as your knee cap, is the smallest bone that makes up your knee. When this bone is forced out of place, it is known as a dislocation. Just like any bone, it can fracture or break if it is hit with enough force.
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries – This is one of the most common knee injuries in athletes or other people who stop and change direction suddenly. ACL injuries are also often associated with injuries to other structures of the knee such as the meniscus or cartilage.
  • Meniscus tear – Most often when people talk about tearing the cartilage in their knee, they are actually talking about the meniscus. The meniscus is a thick cushion of cartilage that sits between your femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone). There are two in each knee and these discs act as shock absorbers in the knee. However, one false move is enough to tear the meniscus and cause sudden, shooting pain in your knee.
  • Sprains and strains – It is possible to sprain or strain a knee without causing damage that requires surgery for correction. Sprains or strains are the stretching of tendons or ligaments in a joint that temporarily weaken it, causing pain and inflammation.

Knee Pain Diagnosis

Knee pain is one of those symptoms that you simply cannot ignore and hope it goes away. Since the knee is vital to so many daily movements, pain, inflammation or injury can lead temporary or permanent disability very quickly. If you are experiencing knee pain, whether it has been slowly coming on or suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks, it is important to seek medical attention.

Your physician or chiropractor will begin by taking a detailed medical history. They will ask you questions about your physical activity, your habits, your accident history, and your employment. They will also take your vital measurements such as your height, weight, and blood pressure to determine if there is a reason to suspect an underlying cause for your knee pain. It is important to be thorough and honest in your explanations to your medical care provider. Do not claim to exercise six days a week if you are a couch potato. This will only affect your diagnosis in the long run.

Next, your medical practitioner may take a series of images of your knee. These may include x-rays, ultrasounds or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). These tests are designed to help your care provider see underneath your skin to find out if there are any obvious problems with the structure of your knee. Why the need for more than one test? X-rays will only show you the skeletal system while ultrasound and MRI will show any soft tissue problems including problems with tendons, ligaments or cartilage.
Based on your medical history and these tests, your care provider will be able to make a diagnosis as well as recommendations for treating your knee pain that will leave you feeling as good as new.

Knee Pain Treatment

Treatment for your knee pain will depend on the reason for your knee pain. While some treatments are extensive and involve surgical intervention, not all knee pain requires surgery. Instead, knee pain treatment may include:


  • knee pain RICE – RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. If your knee pain is due to a minor acute problem, you ran too many miles or tried yoga for the first time, you may simply need to wait until the body heals itself. In the meantime, resting the knee as much as possible, icing it in 10-minute increments, using a compression device and elevating it occasionally will offer pain relief until it is healed. Remember, the knee is a complex joint that may take several weeks to heal.
  • Chiropractic care – Not just for back and neck injuries, chiropractic care can also help alleviate knee pain. Most knee injuries are due to misplacement or misalignment of the joint. Chiropractors specialize in putting every joint in the body back into alignment. Not only does realigning the knee relieve pain, it gives the body’s nervous system an opportunity to freely communicate healing messages to damaged tissues.
  • Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Laser Therapy – This FDA approved laser emits a high-frequency light wave that helps heal damaged cells in the body. The MLS laser is effective in healing damaged tendons and ligaments, muscle strains or sprains and degenerative joint conditions while reducing pain and inflammation in the treatment area. Most people have a positive experience after one to three treatments with the full effectiveness achieved in 12 to 24 treatments.
  • Acupuncture – Acupuncture is an ancient medical technique that uses small needles to stimulate different parts of the body to begin the healing process. Effective in both relieving pain and helping the body heal, acupuncture takes between 15 and 20 minutes and can leave patients feeling calm and happy while experiencing less pain.
  • Foot Levelers – Most people don’t realize that strong knee joints begin with a strong foundation. Many people who experience chronic knee pain are shocked to discover that their pain disappears when they are in the right shoes, with the right insoles. Custom-fit foot levelers (available at our office) provide the body with the positioning and cushioning it needs to remain in alignment as it moves while offering additional comfort to the feet, knees, and hips.
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) – Perhaps one of the most remarkable advances in the treatment of joint pain is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). A series of electromagnetic pulses from a mat supercharge your body’s cells. These cells then work better than before to repair the body’s soft tissue while improving blood flow and energy absorption. PEMF has been found to be especially effective in treating old injuries that have been ignored for weeks, months or even years.
  • Physical Therapy – People often think of physical therapy as something you do after What most don’t realize is that physical therapy can also be effective before or even instead of surgery. Physical therapists are specialists in functional movement. Not only can they successfully tell you why you are experiencing knee pain, they can also help you strengthen your body, improve your balance, reduce inflammation, and eliminate your knee pain.
  • Surgery – Some knee injuries cannot be repaired without surgical intervention. However, surgery on its own will not leave you pain-free and ready to run again. In order for surgery to be effective, it must be matched with additional therapies that address pain, scar tissue, inflammation, and function. Even if a knee surgery of the past has left you less than pleased with your result, any of the other therapies mentioned may offer additional relief from pain or discomfort or even better strength and stability.

Schedule Your Appointment with Our Fenton Chiropractor 

Painless Chiropractic

Call Us Today (810) 214-0684

If you or your loved one is suffering with Chronic Knee Pain…

your in the right place. Our highly skilled team offers a diversified list of corrective care protocols and our knee pain treatment plans have extremely successful outcomes. You don’t have to suffer any longer. No one wants to deal with pain when they stand up, sit down, go for a walk or do their normal, everyday routine. Its pure agony to have life’s simple pleasures taken from you. It steals your motivation, your happiness and quite honestly, your life.

If you are ready to put an end to your chronic knee pain and want to see if you could be a candidate for our highly successful Non-Surgical Reconstructive Knee Pain Protocol then call the office today and schedule a consultation and in depth examination to determine if you qualify. Thousands of people have seen great success utilizing this new and improved knee pain protocol, even those who have already had surgery in the past that failed them! Utilizing the most comprehensive, up to date equipment in our office, Painless Chiropractic & Neuropathy Treatment Center of Fenton MI  along with cutting edge home care, you too can rid yourself of the knee pain that is holding you back from living your life!


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Insurance Accepted

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Q: What is the success rate at your Fenton office?

A: We see all sorts of patients for all sorts of symptoms, dis-eases, ailments and discomforts. All of our patients have results! Many regaining full motion, 100% pain reduction and notably measurable correction.

Q: How much does care cost?

A: In the interest of better serving you, we do not estimate or “ballpark” treatment costs. Your treatment investment will be determined once you sit down with our doctor to determine if you are a candidate for care in our office and the doctor feels he can help you see results. At that point we will be able to determine what you need in terms of treatment, verify that with your insurance company and provide you with an all inclusive treatment plan to address your specific needs.

Please Note: Not everyone who comes in for a consultation with the doctor is a candidate for care in our office, we only treat patients who are committed to their care and we are fully confident in their progression and results. 

Q: Why hasn’t my medical doctor told me about these options?

A: Your doctor is likely offering the only treatment approach they know, which is prescription drugs or surgery. We do our best to get out into the community but big pharmaceutical companies have billions of dollars at their disposal to hire beautiful reps to knock on doors, buy lunches, dinners and other persuading shiny things to get your MD to pay attention. We unfortunately have to rely on our patients and staff to spread the news on a much more intimate setting. Our protocols are newer and more significantly, they are natural. We believe that your body was made to be healthy and if prompted to and giving the right  environment while removing the interference, it will do just that. You won’t nee to use drugs, have surgery, or be poked with injections which all have low efficacy rates and high rates of complications. Our protocols are safe, gentle and effective.

Q: Do you guarantee results?

A: Once it is determined that you are a good candidate for our knee pain protocol or any type of care at our Fenton Chiropractic office, you will begin treatment and get results. In the unlikely event that you have 0% improvement over the course of your prescribed treatment plan, we promise that we will do whatever it takes to make it right. We take great pride in serving you like family! Our office only wants to see people succeed which is why we will not take on a new patient for care unless we are fully confident they will get results. However if you do not follow the care plan setup specifically for your treatment we can not and do not expect to see a high level of results. Just as you can’t go to the gym 1 day a week and expect to lose weight, we are not able to magically restructure your body so it is functioning at 100%, feeling amazing and running pain free if you choose not to comply with only say 50% of your care plan. We can not care more about your health than you do, you must be 110% committed to getting better, putting in the effort, showing up to your appointments and doing your at home care if need be.

Q: Does your office accept Insurance?

A: Our Fenton Chiropractic Office Accepts All Insurance, including but not limited to traditional Health Insurance, Health Saving’s Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Automobile Insurance (covers you after an auto accident for soft tissue injury, whiplash and other injury due to an auto accident), Workers Compensation along with Care Credit and Lending Tree plans that have a zero interest rate for those looking to not pay out of pocket at time of service.

We also offer wonderful care plan prices for cash, check or credit customers.

Unfortunately, insurance companies are primarily set up for crisis care and are all uniquely structured differently so there is not a one size fits all answer on the subject. However most have some amount of coverage for Chiropractic services. We will be able to do a complimentary benefit verification for you once the doctor has determined if you are a candidate for care and the type of services needed for your treatment.

Many our patients at our Fenton Chiropractic office location are retired, disabled, or on a fixed income. We have many different treatment options and payment options and will do everything in our power to serve you!

Q: Will I need X-Rays?

Our office has many forms of diagnostic testing available and x-ray along with an in depth motion study analysis is definitely one of them. Once you have your initial consultation with the doctor and he has a clear understanding of what brought you in, your symptoms (if any) and your history, he will then be able to determine what specific diagnostic testing is necessary to determine your care.

Q: How many times will I be visiting your office?

A: This will vary depending on what is going on with you as an individual. We offer many services at our Fenton Chiropractic office location and we see all sorts of patients for all sorts of symptoms, dis-eases, ailments and discomforts. Once you have been properly evaluated the doctor is confident that you are a candidate for care in our office and is confident we can indeed help you, we will put together a comprehensive treatment plan that will lay out a clear path to recovery.

90% of our patients finish their care plans and remain a lifetime patient along with bringing in their families for wellness care.

What will be included in my treatment plan?

Our Fenton office has a team of doctors and supportive staff that will fully evaluate you on your first visit. It is the information that we gather during that time that will be used as the blueprint when crating your customized treatment plan. Because we individualize each care plan we wont know what will be involved in your particular care treatment regimen, nor can we determine how long or how many visits you will need to see the doctor until after we have fully evaluated you. However, we can assure you that if you are accepted into care we will utilize the very best techniques and tools to get you feeling and functioning at your best!


Simply enter your information below, or call our Fenton office (810) 214-0684 to schedule your preferred day.

We look forward to helping you in this stressful time.

    Painless Chiropractic & Neuropathy Treatment Center

    Call Us Today (810) 214-0684

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    2803 W. Silver Lake Rd Fenton MI


    Schedule Your Appointment Today

    The Painless Chiropractic team is here, skilled and experienced and ready to help you today!

    Our office accepts all Michigan No Fault Insurance and Personal Injury, along with most Health Insurance Plans. These include Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Health Care, HAPP, Medicaid and Medicare to name just a few. Since there are so many plans and coverage varies widely, we can’t say exactly what cost you may incur but our prices for comparable services are about the same as other offices in the area that do not offer the extensive services, customized protocols, knowledge and experience we offer here at Painless Chiropractic of Fenton. We can say with confidence that if your looking for the best when it comes to professional, experienced and knowledgeable spinal corrective care Chiropractors, top notch service, a positive healing atmosphere and a motivated spinal care team to help you regain your health, you have found it. Our Fenton Chiropractic office is a corrective spinal care office and offers a wide variety of services, we will verify your insurance coverage when you come in and we have an idea of what the doctor recommends.

    Once you have set an appointment and consulted with the doctor to determine if you are a candidate for care in our office, and the doctor feels confidence that we can help you, we will know what services to verify with your insurance company. At that point the doctor will go over all of your diagnostic testing with you and any financial questions you may have before moving forward with care.

    Call Our Fenton Office Now:

     (810) 214-0684