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    Headaches ~ Can Be A Real Pain in the Neck!

    Created In Jun 26, 2018

    Headache Treatments       Millions of adults and now, seen more and more often due to text neck, children as well are seek drugless solutions to reduce the stress and pain of headaches. The four most common types of headaches that are seen include tension, cluster, sinus/allergy, and migraines. In this research, Dr. Bogduk noted that every person whom suffers from headache share an important common finding which is abnormal cervical spine neurology. After embarking on years of study, Dr. Bogduk published numerous studies proving the connection. This is one of many studies proving the importance of chiropractic spinal hygiene for relieving the pain and agony of suffering with headaches and even migraines without the use of drugs in the form of over the counter or prescription medication. As a chiropractor I am able to help with relieving the pain of headaches by assessing and correcting misalignments and restrictions in the spine, freeing up movement and restoring appropriate sensory information into the nervous system which will reduce the amount of pain you experience, often times relieving the pain altogether. Patients of any age and gender can benefit from chiropractic care and the research helps show exactly why and how but if you are ready to rid yourself of your headaches and migraines, we are here to help and would be happy to see you. Call our office to schedule a consultation at (810) 214-0684.

    This white paper, donated to us by Dr. Dan Sullivan, discusses the significance of the 1995 study published in the Journal of BioMedicine and
    Pharmacotherapy called “Anatomy and Physiology of a Headache”.
    Statistics show over 16 percent of the population suffer from frequent recurring headaches.
    Many are unaware of the cervical spine neurological connection consistent with the majority of headaches. This
    ground-breaking research from the mid-1990’s revolutionized the way headaches are viewed today. A Russianborn
    and world-renowned researcher named Dr. Nikoli Bogduk found all headaches shared a relationship with the
    upper neck. Unfortunately, most of the medical community are still largely unaware of the research because the
    standard of care remains heavily on drug therapy to alleviate symptoms. Findings from this study are as follows:
    • All headaches have a common anatomy and physiology.
    • All headaches are mediated by the trigeminocervical nucleus and are initiated by noxious stimulation of nerve endings
    which synapse on the nucleus, by irritation of the nerves themselves, or by disinhibition of the nucleus.
    • The trigeminocervical nucleus is defined by its afferent fibers.
    • The trigeminocervical nucleus is the sole nociceptive nucleus of the head, throat, and upper neck. All nociceptive
    afferents from the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and C1-C3 spinal nerves ramify in the single column of
    grey matter.
    • Pain in the forehead can arise as a result of stimulation by cervical afferents of second order neurons in the
    trigeminocervical nucleus which happen also to receive forehead afferents.
    • Pain in the occiput may arise from trigeminal nerve stimulation.
    • The stimulation of any neurons that activate the trigeminocervical nucleus can cause headache, which included
    cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, and C1-C3. Any structure innervated by these nerves are capable of causing a headache.
    Structures innervated by C1-C3:
    Dura mater of the posterior cranial fossa, inferior surface of the tentorium cerebelli, anterior and posterior upper cervical and
    cervical occipital muscles, occiput-C1 joint, C1-C2, and C2-C3 joints, C2-C3 intervertebral disc, skin of the occiput, vertebral
    arteries, carotid arteries, alar ligaments, transverse ligament, trapezius muscle, and sternocleidomastoid muscle.
    • Nociceptive pain can be initiated by the accumulation of inflammatory chemicals. (chemical stress)
    • Nociceptive pain can be caused by mechanical stimulation following a distortion of a network of collagen such as
    ligament or Dura mater. (subluxation)
    • Central pain involves no tissue damage which results from dysfunction of the descending pain inhibitory pathways.
    (spinal adjustments relieve pain because they activate the descending pain inhibitory system)
    • Stretch on the dura mater can initiate mechanical pain.
    • Arthritis of the upper cervical synovial joints can cause neck pain and headaches.
    • Injury or damage to the alar ligaments can cause upper cervical pain and headache.

    To schedule your appointment and take the first step to stopping the pain in your head once and for all, call now 810-6186380 we can help you too!